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Dam and Fill Encapsulants for Low-Cost Package Assembly Processes

Dam and Fill Encapsulants for Low-Cost Package Assembly Processes

Hysol FP4451TD and Hysol FP4800 are two new, high-purity dam and fill encapsulants designed specifically for lead-free processing. Both meet the stringent JEDEC level testing requirements for high-temperature reliability demanded by lead-free processes. The two products enable smaller, thinner and lighter wirebonded cavity down, SuperBGA and Viper BGA packages, while supporting high-throughput, low-cost package assembly processes.

Dam heights greater than 1 mm are possible with Hysol FP4451TD, a tall dam flow control barrier recommended for package level applications. It offers superior dispensing and a high aspect of ratio of 0.70 height to width. Based on proven resin chemistry, FP4451TD exhibits excellent chemical resistance and thermal stability.
Hysol FP4800 is a liquid encapsulant with excellent adhesion that can withstand solder temperatures of up to 260 ºC after JEDEC level 2 preconditioning. Its excellent flow properties allow it to penetrate fine-pitch wires and deep cavities without entrapping voids. Like all Hysol high-purity encapsulants, FP4800 is self-leveling and offers unprecedented performance for numerous advanced packages.
With the addition of FP4451TD and FP4800 to the Hysol lead-free materials set, manufacturers can be confident of having a full range of products to meet the EU lead-free implementation date of July 2006. All Henkel lead-free products are designed to support high-quality advanced assembly processes at full production levels.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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