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Convection-air pre-heater accelerates lead-free rework

Convection-air pre-heater accelerates lead-free rework

Convection-air pre-heater accelerates lead-free rework
OK International has introduced a focus pre-heater for enhanced process control during lead-free hand assembly and rework. The PCT-100 uses convection air heating, to maximize responsiveness and thereby avoid temperature overshoot that can damage components and impair assembly quality. The pre-heater can be used with or without a board holder to perform hand assembly or rework tasks on surface mount or through-hole assemblies. A dedicated board holder is available as an option. The pre-heater can be used with conventional SnPb solders as well as lead-free, delivering a stable pre-heat capability as the foundation to perform assembly tasks at the appropriate peak temperature without distorting the board.

The unit ramps quickly to the desired temperature to maximize productivity, following a controlled slope to eliminate thermal shock to the board and components. The 10 cfm fan fitted to the unit enhances both heating and cooling, reducing the total cycle time to pre-heat solder, and cool each assembly. The pre-heater has been designed for production environments world-wide, operating at low levels of audible noise and meeting international standards for ESD safety and maximum casing temperature. It also carries the CE symbol, a mark of high quality and safety performance.
SMT, hall 7, booth 410 and 240/ Nepcon UK, H 11, F 46 and E 90
EPP Europe 440
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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