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Biodegradable and Non-Corrosive Fluid Cleans Stencils Effectively

Biodegradable and Non-Corrosive Fluid Cleans Stencils Effectively

Biodegradable and Non-Corrosive Fluid Cleans Stencils Effectively
Aquanox A8881 is an aqueous solvent blend for effectiveness in stencil cleaning applications. It removes misprint pastes, rosin flux, no-clean flux and SMT adhesives while being relatively people-safe and environment friendly. Easy to use, the solvent can be applied as received or diluted further with water as desired for optimum cleaning efficiency as needed. A water rinse is optional to remove all traces of soils and cleaner residues from substrate surfaces.

The colorless liquid A8881 has no flash point, is residue-free, and can be used with spray or ultrasonics. This cleaner has a long bath life and eliminates the need for sump-side adds. Further benefits include effectiveness on flux residues, brilliant solder joints, works as an ionic sponge by attracting ionic residue, outstanding performance on lead-free assemblies and features strong kinetic cleaning forces. Non-flammable and non-corrosive, the cleaner is a biodegradable aqueous solution. It also is multi-metal safe for use on yellow metals, aluminum, ferrous and composites as well as most precious metals and some plastic, rubber, glass and ceramic substrates.
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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