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Automatic component placement cell for odd shaped components

Automatic component placement cell for odd shaped components

Automatic component placement cell for odd shaped components
Elektrobit had displayed the Odd Shape Cell J504–05 at the SMT/Hybrid/Packaging 2006 exhibition and conference in Nuremberg, Germany. J504–05 is an automatic component placement cell for odd shaped components that is based on the basic idea of high productivity and quality of process. The cell features reliability with proven mechanics and robotics together with Elektrobit’s years of software development and process know-how experience including feeding, pre-forming and gripping systems to achieve a reliable odd shape component process.

The cell accepts a wide variety of component feeders and grippers, and features an automatic gripper change system to meet the requirements of each inserted component type. The cell provides users with numerous standard features including a feeding capacity of up to 15 different component codes, flexible and accurate gripping systems, four axis servo-driven active clinching, and a programmable active clinching head. Programmable searching routine, statistic data logging and dynamical program modification (offline/online) also come standard.
The system is designed with certain robotics and mechanical solutions that are low maintenance and highly resistant to breakdowns, making the cell a perfect fit for the automotive electronics, consumer electronics, industrial electronics and telecommunications industries. Based on Scara robot and controller, the Odd Shape Cell J504–05 passes through a segmented conveyor with hand wheel adjustment, offers a PCB index and clamping station, has a Smema electrical interface, and is CE-safety compliant. The cell also offers the following options: passive clinching with customised clinching plates and network connection for remote access.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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