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Advanced placement with AVP technology

Advanced placement with AVP technology

Advanced placement with AVP technology
SMD rework soldering demands absolute precision and certainty and that includes the placement of components. The camera controlled placement processes are one of the key technologies central to innovation at Martin. Progress in the development from version 09.5 to 09.6 is clearly visible: The resolution of the camera and the placement precision based on it has been almost doubled.

All placement systems that usually rely on Split Field technology have one problem: Accuracy is make-believe as placement depends entirely on elaborate calibration of the mirror system. Additionally, after manual alignment the lowering of the component is not monitored.
This is where the patented Auto-Vision-Technology from Martin scores: From the first to the last second of the placement process the eagle eye camera controls accurately the automatic positioning of the components for precise placement and soldering. The new machine provides for a doubling of the placement accuracy. It is now also available with a flip-chip option. This allows the rework of components with even smaller contacts pitch spacings of only to 0.2 mm.
Despite permanent technological progress the price of the further advanced placement system has remained unchanged.
The unit is almost completely maintenance free and with minimal running costs provides a reliable companion for continuing rework tasks. Customers usually receive six monthly software updates free of charge.
Productronica, Stand A3.181
EPP Europe 451
Current Issue
Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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