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Added flexibility in soldering and desoldering

Added flexibility in soldering and desoldering

Added flexibility in soldering and desoldering
OK International announces four new soldering/desoldering equipment packages as additions to its MFR Series. The systems are designed to offer assembly companies a solution tailored to their needs, whatever their size, manufacturing volume, product complexity and budgetary constraints.

The MFR-DSI and MFR-DSX Systems for desoldering comprise the company’s compact bench-top MFR power supply and its innovative desolder gun. Equipped with an internal air pump, MFR-DSI is ideal for small manufacturers who do not use compressed air, and for desoldering tasks performed away from the workbench. The MFR/DSX uses compressed shop air, making it powerful and ideal for higher volume desoldering tasks.
The company adds its high-performance soldering and rework hand-piece and tip cartridge to the units above to create two soldering, desoldering and rework options: the MFR-SDI with internal air pump, and the MFR-SDX with external compressed air.
All four packages use lightweight MFR Soldering/Desoldering System hand-pieces, whose unique features ensure high quality, cost-effective performance.
Thanks to the modularity of the MFR Soldering/Desoldering System, users build their equipment as their volume and requirements change. The power units offer two ports to which any of the MFR Series tools can be attached, and for heavier or more varied workloads, multiple units can be slotted together to power as many tools as necessary.
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Titelbild EPP EUROPE Electronics Production and Test 11

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