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In-circuit tester and flying probe and bed of nails tester mix

Interviews SMT 2017 SMT 2017 Videos
In-circuit tester and flying probe and bed of nails tester mix

Luca Corli, the Director of Sales at Seica International, described the company’s newest products that were shown at SMT, how the market will develop in the future, and what the expectations are for the company. As a supplier of automatic test equipment and selective soldering systems, the company recently released 2 products, an in-circuit tester coupled with a collaborative robot, a Cobot, as well as, a hybrid machine that is between a flying probe and a bed of nails tester, a Flying fixture.

Although 40% of the company’s business comes from the automotive market, they expect to be able to grow within the content manufacturing, increasing business with companies that are building electronic boards for other customers. As the company is trying to be ahead of market trends and needs, Mr. Corli believes that functional testing is becoming more important due to RF products. As most products that are used on a daily basis now have Bluetooth or Wifi, functional testing is now imperative to do, even companies that are not used to RF products.

The expectations of the company would be for them to become partners with their customers. They do not just want to deliver products; they want to also be there every step, from beginning to the end. They take also take pride in being ahead of the market for their customers. As Mr. Corli stated, “Seica is an innovative company and we try to promote always something new for our customers.”


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